Some amazing benefits of Garlic that you probably didn’t know before.

To begin with, Garlic is a pungent bulbous root that contains useful minerals such as Phosphorous, Calcium and Chlorine which are also present in the cloves.
Below are the benefits of Garlic:
- Prevention of Cancer: Several studies have indicated that there is an association between daily consumption of garlic and prevention of stomach & colorectal cancer.
- For skin and hair: The invigorating properties of garlic protects the skin from the effect of free radicals and slow down depletion of collagen which leads to loss of elasticity in aging skin. Garlic also does wonders to skin infected with fungal infections like eczema, althelets foot and ringworms.
- Boosts Digestion: Daily indusion of Garlic in your diet aids in eliminating any digestive problems. Even swelling or irritation of the gastric canal may be rectified with garlic as a treatment.
- Controls Diabetes: Diabetes can harm the kidneys, inhibit the neverous system functions, cause heart disorders and lead to poor eyesight. The oil extracted from garlic helps to prevent such disorders.
- Prevention of Heart diseases: Making garlic on daily basis (in food or raw) helps to lower cholesterol levels because of the antioxidant properties of Allicin. It is essential to remember that the sulphur-containing compound Allicin tends to lose it medicinal properties. When garlic is cooked whole, it tends to lose it’s nutritional benefits so it is better for it to be semi cooked to be consumed raw.
- Controls Asthma: Boiled garlic cloves are wonderful as an alternative Asthma treatment. Each night before going to sleep, a glass of milk with three boiled cloves of garlic can bring subsequent relief for patients with asthma. Also, crushed gloves with malt vinegar can also serve as alternative treatment of asthma.
- Treatment of wounds: Garlic can be placed on infected wounds as an herbal treatment. It should be mixed with 3 drops of water, rather than using it in raw form as the undiluted juice can irritate the skin.
The benefits of the consumption of Garlic cannot be over emphasized as it helps to sustain human in most aspects of life.