Meet Sophia, the first robot to be awarded citizenship.

The distinction was awarded in Riyadh, the
capital of Saudi Arabia during the Future
Investment Initiative. Sophia has 62 facial
expressions and is able to carry on
coherent conversation thanks to artificial
intelligence software; in his eyes, she has
cameras that identify people through face

Sophia is able to start a conversation and
also make known her proposals for the
future, in relation to current conflicts
between countries and other issues. Her
statements have caused controversy such as a recent one in which she expresses the right that both humans and robots have to start a family.
” I think you are very lucky if you have a family, and if you don’t have one, you deserve one. This is my feeling for both robots and humans” she said.

Hanson, her creator, stared that Sophia is a special robot created with the aim of achieving interaction between people through artificial intelligence software. He also stated that it is capable of processing visual darat, detecting people’s faces and interpreting dialogues by applying emotional data.
Her artificial intelligence had been demonstrated through various interviews and conferences world wide.
The most curious thing are the expressions
and the correctness that Sophia achieves
when answering each of the questions, as
well as how surprising she is for
elaborating themes, without ruling out that
she sometimes makes mistakes.
At the Future Investment Initiative 2017
conference, held in October, Sophia
expressed the following, when asked by the presenter who indicated that she looked happy “I am always happy when am surrounded by intelligent people who are also rich and powerful.”