Lion King: The lessons I learned from the movie – Olivia Oguadinma

Last year, when the movie Lion King was out. I was excited to see it. This was because I had seen the animation over and over again. But then there was a lot to learn just watching it again.
While others search for what they can take, a true king searches for what they can give – Mufasa.
These were the very words of Mustapha to Simba as he showed him all of the pride lands. Leadership is truly not all about what we can gain from that position of authority but should be about how we can leave the office having enacted rules and structures that will aid the progress of the community.
It’s sad to note that even in these trying times. The government still does not care about its citizens. For how long shall we keep taking. If you ever find yourself in a position of authority, whether it’s a position to be a president in your college, a secretary in a club. I hope you will learn to give back to the community.
We are all connected in the circle of life.
Is this not true for us humans as well? The pandemic has shown us now more than ever how first we are humans and how all our divides don’t matter. It shows us that regardless of our religious every human needs one another thrive. Love will remain a universal language that every human understands.
As the movie, goes on Simba had made a mistake. He had killed his father.

He was always taking advice from his Uncle scar. Didn’t he notice that every time he took the advice of his uncle that he ended up in trouble? As humans, we should learn to be sensitive to our environment. We should not be overwhelmed by sentiments. Most times people will show you who they are. I hope you see them for who they really are.After that mistake, he left the pride lands for good. He could not bear the pain of killing his own father. He had lost every self-esteem he had. He was no longer the Simba we all knew. Strong, visionary, confident_ all that was in the past now.
As young people, we make mistakes. Things that make us feel worthless. We never forgive ourselves and so we never ever move on. We are swallowed with depression and still try to smile as if nothing happened. In reality, we are breaking on the inside. The truth is that you may not be able to change the past but you can create an amazing future if you forgive yourself and those that have hurt you in the past. It’s not easy but it’s worth it. Simba had continued to dwell in self guilt till he met Rafiki.
Someone that stirred the inner lion in him with these words.

Everybody is somebody even a nobody.
Who are you?
Life tends to become difficult when you forget who you are and who you belong to. Who are you? Who does God say you are? It’s high time you stop listening to your circumstances. It’s high time you stop listening to your past. It’s high time you realize that you my friend are made for so much more. I’ll ask again “who are you?”.
Everyone has bad days every now and then but that does not mean you have a bad life. It does not mean you are unlucky. In fact,it’s an indicator that you are taking action.
As much we have bad experiences with people or life. There are good people. People that will stir up the lion in you. People that will be there for you through the storms.

A friend of mine once told me to not shut myself out of people. People can be genuine, people can love. Life can be good. Life can be tough. At every point in life and no matter where you may be. Always remember who you are. There is a sleeping king living inside of you.
Simba, remembered who he was and he stood up for his home. In taking a stand, he had realized who the real murderer was all this while. The murderer was his uncle scar. He had always wanted to rule the kingdom. All he was ever interested in was to take, nothing else mattered to him. Together with the hyenas, he had turned the pride lands to a desolate land.
Simba saved his kingdom from destruction and restored the pride lands past glory.
Awake the Lion in you!
The world awaits you!
With love,
Olivia Oguadinma.
Your storytelling Maestro.