Demonstrations resume against effective Polish abortion ban.

Hundreds of people demonstrated again
in Warsaw on Saturday against the tightening of Poland’s abortion law.
The police asked the demonstrators to
leave via loudspeaker and tried to surround them, the newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza reported.
“We have a right to protest” the crowd
chanted. The participants carried banners
with slogans such as: “Don’t tell me how
to live” and “Get rid of the misogynist
government.” The police have taken several people into custody, the PAP news agency reported.
Smaller rallies were held in other Polish
cities, including Krakow and Wroclaw. The
demonstrations also marked the 102nd
anniversary of the introduction of women’s suffrage in Poland on November
28, 1918.
In October, Poland’s Constitutional Court
ruled that women are not allowed to have
an abortion even if a foetus has severe
health defects.
Since then there have been regular protests. The abortion law in the strongly Catholic country is one of the strictest in Europe.